The First One….


The plan was to write my very first blog article in German, my native language. But well, you see, this is what happens to plans sometimes or maybe most of the time 🙂

What changed my mind was a posting on Facebook from a friend in the U.S. It’s in english and desribes my (recent) view of life pretty well.

I particularly like the part ‚open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people. We are united in our differences‘!

In a few weeks I will leave the company where I worked for more than 12 years. It was a long and hard decision process, that my gut instinct won.

It’s a process of many different emotions, and I just want to say ‚thank you‘ to every person that’s being a part of it.

I want to find out if there is something else waiting for me to explore. I’m sure there is, I just have to hit the road.

In early September I’ll start travelling for the following three months. I plan (you remember what I just said about plans ;-)) to write about my experiences here in this blog from time to time.

It will not always be in english, as I might not always be in the mood to use a dictionary or think about translating sponteanous emotions/experiences.

So please be gentle!

Das Gleiche gilt natürlich auch für alle deutschsprachigen Leser, ich hoffe es ist OK, dass ich einiges in englisch schreiben werde und anderes in deutsch. Auch euch bitte ich um Nachsicht!

… und schonmal vielen Dank für das Interesse!

Thanks for taking the time to listen!


…über wandern, reisen, lesen, schauen, reden…