Archiv der Kategorie: Reisen

Devils Tower #ReisenUSA

Als ich vor ziemlich langer Zeit, noch im Teenageralter, Steven Spielbergs Film ‚Die unheimliche Begegnung der Dritten Art‘ sah, beschränkten sich meine Kenntnisse der USA überwiegend auf Film- bzw. Serienwissen. So dachte ich, dass der mysteriöse Felsen, an dem sich die Außerirdischen zeigen, nicht wirklich existiert, sondern als Filmkulisse geschaffen war.

Erst viele Jahre später erfuhr ich, dass Devils Tower tatsächlich existiert, in Wyoming, USA.

Seitdem habe ich etliche Reisen in die USA unternommen und immer mal wieder daran gedacht, Devils Tower live und in Farbe zu sehen. 2010, auf einer Tour in und um die Rocky Mountains war es endlich soweit.

Der erste Blick
Der erste Blick

Und auch heute, drei Jahre später, beim Sichten der Fotos, erinnere ich mich gerne an den Besuch dort. Devils Tower ragt majestätisch aus der sanft hügeligen Landschaft empor. Wenn man am Fuße des Berges steht kann man sich einer gewissen Anziehungskraft nicht entziehen, und beim Umrunden erhält man immer wieder neue Perspektiven auf die kristallinen Säulen dieses Monolithen.

Ich muss gestehen, dass ich richtig begeistert war von diesem Naturphänomen. Hinzu kam der wirklich schöne kleine Campground, der nicht nur Devils Tower als Hintergrundkulisse bot, sondern auch die Nachbarschaft einer großen Familie von ziemlich putzigen Präriehunden und anderem Wildlife.

Campground mit Aussicht! Ich hatte mein Zelt so positioniert, dass ich vom Eingang aus den Berg im Blick hatte :-)
Campground mit Aussicht! Ich hatte mein Zelt so positioniert, dass ich vom Eingang aus den Berg im Blick hatte 🙂

Alles in allem war die gesamte Reise geprägt von Highlights (zu denen vielleicht noch ein paar andere Ausschnitte folgen werden), aber für mich war der Besuch am Devils Tower National Monument etwas ganz Besonderes.

...der letzte Blick, und weiter geht die Reise...
…der letzte Blick, und weiter geht die Reise…


Yes, I know, I’ve just posted a new article two days ago – but, I’ve had two great days in Kentucky, and want to share a short episode about the joy of traveling by myself…

Today I went on a tour through one of the famous Bourbon distilleries here in Bardstown, Kentucky – the Heaven Hill Distillery. The tip to visit Bardstown – otherwise I’ld never have thought about a detour to this nice little town – came from the very helpful person at the Kentucky Welcome Center. It’s always a good idea, when you happen to come to a new State, to stop at these Welcome Center. They are very helpful, answer lots of questions and give you all materials you need.

On the tour we were just a few people, cause it’s off season. So at the Bourbon tasting we happened to talk a bit – I guess drinking some Bourbon in early afternoon helps loosen the tongue 😉 Afterwards I went to stroll through the small town a bit, looking for a place to get some food. I found a local Diner, exact one of the ones I love so much. I’d just sat down, when a couple from Cincinnati, who had also taken part of the tour, came inside and joined me for dinner, well they didn’t just join me, they invited me.

The friendliness of some people always amazes me, and it’s this surprising encounter I so much value!

And here comes the summary in pictures 😉

Visiting Mammoth Cave NP … it’s claimed to be the largest cave system of the world
There is a story behind this inscriptions. When the cave was explored in the early 19th century, tours were already provided for rich people from all over the country. The only tour guides were slaves, who didn’t get paid. The only way for them to ‚earn‘ some money was getting a tip for ‚charcoaling‘ the names of the tour guests on the walls. It must have taken a lot of time to do so, but some guides collected enough money to buy their freedom.

Kentucky is full of woodland, and though the leaves are nearly gone it’s beautiful!


When you drive through some woodland, you wouldn’t expect that …
I made a short stop at Abraham Lincolns birthplace and boyhood home. There wasn’t much to see actually, just a repicla of the small house the family lived in, but that gave a good impression from where he started to end up in Washington.
When I drove into the area of Heaven Hill Distillery, I wondered what this (ugly looking) buildings are used for…
…well, this – rows and rows, thousands of barrels with Bourbon to age to perfection.
At the tasting!
Cheers! My first Bourbon ever!
The Diner











Florida Panhandle, Alabama Gulf Coast and some other places…

What I loved about Florida:
Meeting Sue and Dan! 🙂

All the different birds, especially the Pelicans. It’s very relaxing to sit at the beach and watch the Pelicans diving for fish. They are very elegant.

Butterflies – all around.


Sun, beaches, white sand, the ocean.
St. George Island and the Alabama Coast.

Bike lanes and the possibility to rent bikes.

The bridges.

The Off-season.
Meeting people on campgrounds.
Watching the sunset at the beach.

Sitting outside in restaurants!
The seafood.
The Key Lime Pie.

Collecting shells – what is it with shells? Once you start looking for the special one, you’re addicted 😉

Swimming in the Ocean, being the only one 🙂

Breakfast on campgrounds, while planning the route for the day!

What I didn’t like ….. hahaha, just forget it. Remember the good things, anything else is already forgotten!

More than two weeks of traveling already went by, I have been to many different places, drove a bit more than 2000 miles, through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky so far. Kentucky has been the 34th State I visited thoughout the years.

And you know what? I still love it. I feel good, exploring new areas, stumble accidentially over hidden treasures, like small State Parks along the roads or local Diners serving homemade food, seeing a deer on the roadside and having nice talks with friendly people on campgrounds and other places.

I’m looking forward to the next two weeks! 🙂