On the Road through the USA – Car views

Making this short video was something I had in my mind since a while. I finally took the time to scroll through all my US photos since 2007, when I started using a (small) digital camera. I’m no filmmaker, and the quality of the video is … I know, you don’t have to tell me. But I had fun making it and I really love the music.

During my many travels by car through the US I made hundreds of photos out of the windshield.

And yes, most pictures were taken while driving … but, either on empty roads or in some traffic jams, so no worries, all are save shots, and I’m doing fine 🙂

Part of the love I feel for the country is closely related to the driving along the roads through both, the sometimes breathtaking landscape or the (boring) emptiness. You just have to have some good music accompany the driving and the road movie can begin!


Music: „Dock of the Bay“ (Steve Croppe/Otis Redding) performed by Nils Landgren & Joe Sample from the album „Creole Love Call“

Ein Gedanke zu „On the Road through the USA – Car views“

  1. Sehr schön, Dein Video. Unterhaltsam – und durchaus dazu geeignet, Deine Faszination für das Land zu untermauern.

    Liebe Grüße aus Ramallah

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