The end of a year is … actually just a date. But, like most people, I also like to see it as a break, as a possibilitiy to think about what was and look forward what comes. Sure you could set any date for it, and some people do, but for me it’s the Holidays.
This last year 2013 was in many ways a hard one. And as I realized throughout the year, not just for me. All around me friends have had some really tough times. So when I started thinking about my ‚end-of-the-year‘-review by strolling through my photos (it’s like a diary in pictures) I was overwhelmed by the amount of highlights, great experiences, events, nice encounters, adventures, discoveries, happy moments … I was so engrossed in all the happy times, that I had problems to remember what made me think it’s been a difficult year. Well, I remembered, after some thinking, but also noticed by doing so it’s not the hard times we keep in mind, it’s the good times, the happiness, joy, great moments and small incidents.
My biggest disappointments and most difficult times had been in connection with friends and family, and as it goes, my most positive and surprising experiences had been with friends and family 🙂 I guess, that’s what life is all about!
What I really missed? Travelling. I did travel, around Germany some, and a short trip to Venice, but I couldn’t travel to the USA. Since my first travel to the US in 1988, I loved to come back now and then, went to other places in the world in between, didn’t miss a thing.
Two years ago that changed. Now I don’t want to go on a simple sightseeing trip, driving, hiking through the beautiful landscapes the country has to offer, or visiting some impressive cities. Now it’s the open hearted people that crossed my way, the wonderful friends I found (not just) in Florida, Indiana and my home in Wisconsin.
You see, there is a lot to look forward to, the future is wide open and better times are waiting right behind the corner, or – as I like to believe – in the beginning of a New Year!
With this in mind – I wish everybody a great New Year 2014, filled with excitement, joy, relaxed times, friends, family – life!
…and here are some photos of my highlights 2013

I really enjoy the elephant parade. Having just come back from a yogaretreat, it made me smile. In hinduism the elephant, hanuma, is the one who removes all obstacles that are in your way to reach your goals and to get what you want. So I kind of wonder what will happen next in Trier ? Can I have a blown up of this particular picture ?.